Notification of the NDA 2022

The NDA 2022 notification has been released for male and female candidates seeking admission to the Army, Navy, and Air Force Wings of the NDA and INAC. The notification is in PDF format and includes information such as the number of vacancies, exam dates, exam pattern, syllabus, course name, salary, exam centers, eligibility criteria, medical standards, the application process, etc.


Dates of NDA (1) and (2) 2022

UPSC has announced the dates for the NDA (1) and (2) 2022 exams. The NDA (1) written exam will be held on April 10, 2022. While the NDA (2) 2022 exam will be held on September 4, 2022.


Application Procedure for NDA 2022

Interested candidates must fill out an NDA application form online. The application fee is INR 100, and it can be paid both online and in person. The commission released the list of rejected applicants a few days after completing the application process. Furthermore, the examination authority activates the link to withdraw the NDA application form for a set period. Candidates who do not want to take the exam may withdraw their applications.


Eligibility Criteria for NDA 2022

To be eligible for the exam, candidates must meet the following NDA eligibility criteria:

 Age Requirement: For the NDA 1 exam, both male and female candidates must have been born between July 2003 and July 1, 2006. Male and female candidates for the NDA 2 exam must have been born between January 2, 2003, and January 1, 2006.

Educational Qualification: The educational qualification varies between academies. Candidates can view the educational requirements for various academies listed below.


The NDA Recruitment Procedure

The entire NDA exam recruitment process is outlined below:

Formal application release: Candidates must complete the online application form. The application fee is INR 100, but SC/ST/Women candidates and sons of JCOs/NCOs/ORs are exempt from paying it.

Admit card distribution: Admit cards are distributed online to all registered candidates. Candidates must log in with their registration number or roll number to download the admit card. Appearing in the written exam: The NDA written exam consists of two papers: GAT and Mathematics. The written exam is worth a total of 900 points.

Declaration of the written exam result: The outcome is available online in pdf format. The qualified candidates' roll numbers will be displayed in the result.

Appearing in the SSB interview: The SSB interview is worth 900 points. The test is divided into two stages: 1 and 2. Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests and the Picture Perception and Description Test are included in Stage 1. (PP & DT). The second stage consists of Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests, and the Conference.

Final result declaration: The final result is based on the marks obtained in the written exam and the SSB interview.


Syllabus for NDA 2022

The NDA syllabus includes topics such as mathematics and the General Ability Test. The syllabus is designed for students in Classes 10, 11, and 12. The topics covered in the syllabus are listed below for candidates' convenience:

Maths: Algebra, Calculus, Matrices and Determinants, Integral Calculus and Differential Equations, Trigonometry, Vector Algebra, Analytical Geometry in two and three dimensions, Statistics, and Probability

GAT: The NDA GAT syllabus is divided into two sections. Part A contains English questions, while Part B contains General Knowledge questions. In the English section, questions are asked about Grammar and Usage, Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Cohesion. General Knowledge questions are drawn from Physics, Chemistry, Social Studies, General Science, Geography, and Current Events.


Exam Pattern for the NDA 2022

The NDA written exam consists of mathematics and General Ability Test. The written exam is worth 900 points. Candidates who achieve the minimum qualifying marks in the written exam are invited to attend the SSB interview. The SSB interview is worth 900 points.


Tips for NDA 2022 Preparation

Candidates can prepare for the NDA exam by using the following advice:

  • To begin, candidates must understand the subjects, patterns, and types of questions.
  • The NDA Mathematics section includes questions from Algebra, Matrices, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics, and other subjects. Candidates must understand the concepts taught in Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and NCERT books.
  • The GAT covers various topics, including Chemistry, General Science, Geography, History, and Current Affairs. This paper also includes an English section.
  • Candidates must review the topics they have previously studied.
  • Take short and simple notes to help candidates revise effectively and quickly. • Solve previous years' NDA question papers and take NDA mock tests. Purchase quality NDA books and question banks.


NDA Mock Test

NDA mock tests are similar to actual tests, and completing them prepares candidates for the exam. It also assists candidates in evaluating their performance and making improvements. Candidates will identify their strong and weak points after taking mock tests. As a result, candidates can focus on improving their weak points. Mock tests also assist candidates in better managing their time during the exam.


Admit Card for NDA 2022

The NDA admit card is made available three weeks before the exam. The official website now has a link to download the admit card. Candidates can access their admit cards by entering their roll number or registration number. A hard copy of the admit card is not mailed to candidates.


Guidelines for the NDA 2022 Exam Day

The following are the NDA exam day guidelines:

  • Candidates must bring their NDA to admit card to the exam site.
  • In addition to the admit card, candidates must bring one photo-identity proof.
  • Carry a clipboard or hardboard and a black ball pen to record their responses.
  • The invigilator provides a rough worksheet.
  • Books, notes, loose sheets, electronic or other calculators, mathematical and drawing instruments, log tables, map stencils, slide rules, test booklets, and rough sheets are not permitted inside the exam center.
  • Strict action is taken against candidates who are found to be copying or cheating.

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